Sunday, June 28, 2015

4 levels of Eight O'Clock

                                   Eight O’Clock
                                               A.E Houseman
A.E Houseman was an English classical scholar and poet best known to the general public for his cycle of poem. He is now remembered for the poems collected in ‘A Shropshire Lad’. In the poem “Eight O’clock”, Houseman attempts to overthrow the idea that humans are insignificant. Generally, Houseman assumes that we are egocentric; that is we believe we are the center of the universe. He disproved this human psychology using several poetic techniques.

Literal Comprehension
The poetic persona is in the prison, who is standing and hearing each steeple sound. He is going to be executed early in the morning at Eight O’clock. He couldn’t sleep because its hard for him to accept his death .He was counting the bell ring. For him, time is passing very fast. In the morning, the bell was heard all over the town and it reminded the people of their task and pushed them out. For the writer an unpleasant event was about to happen. The hour was quite near against his desire. He was cursing his lock because he could do nothing to protect himself from the death. Then the clock gathered all its strength and stuck eight.

This poem is trying to show the importance of time.  Time is most powerful and no creature can overcome it. It says that every people in the earth run after money and prestige; But actually our achievement are nothing. Everyone is sure to die. This poem implies that time becomes stronger as a man becomes weaker in this world. The poem might be trying to tell us the feeling of the person who is going to face a terrible thing (death).At that moment he is so much conscious of time. To him every second is important. He lives every second restlessly being conscious of every moment.

Critical Thinking
This is a rhymed poem with classical restraint of emotion, the word struck signifies the striking sound of the clock and it also means the striking of poetic person to death by the hand of time. This is an alliterative poem. The alliteration begins in the first line and ends in the last. ‘Stood’, Sprinkle, ‘strapped’, ‘cursed’, ‘strength’ and ‘struck’ make for a satisfying musical pattern.  Similarly, the rhymes collected as steeple-people, town-down, hour-tower, luck-struck makes the poem melodious and meaningful.
Besides these positive sides, the poem fails somewhere to describe about the poetic person who is going to be executed. The reason for his execution is lacking. Similarly, the poetic person could have remembered his good deeds instead of cursing the time so that he could satisfy himself. And he should have accepted death instead of being unsatisfied with time.

After reading this poem I have understood the value and importance of time in our life. In the fact of time, we humans and our achievements are dust. I have learnt that time waits for none and a person should be capable to deal with time and situation. I am also endowed with the  knowledge that time becomes stronger as a man becomes weaker in this world. So, we humans and our achievements are dust because noone lives forever and time waits for none.

Not as the writer’s situation as shown in the poem but I have also faced the similar problem. During the examination, there was plenty of time to read but I hesitated and studied at the end of the day. So, I have faced an unexpected result and now I regret for it and have known the importance of time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Macro economics: Concept and Scope

Macro Economics: concept
     Macro economics is derived from the greek word 'micros' which means big. Thus, micro economics is the study of economic activity as a whole. It deals with the economic system as a whole. It explains how economy grows and changes over time as a whole. It is the analysis of aggregative economic variables like national income, total product, employment level, inflation rate, total investment etc. It is also known as income theory.
It was invented by J.M.Keynes
Scope of macro economics
1.Theory of Income and employment
     Consumption Function
     Investment Function
2. Theory of general price level and Inflation
3. Theory of economic growth
4. Macro theory of distribution
5. Theory of Economic fluctuation
6. Theory of international trade
7. Macro economic policy

                                   1.Theory of income and employment
  In macro economics, the income and expenditure is always equal because the expenditure of one person becomes income for another.And finally equals as a whole.Thus, the employment level is fixed at the same point of income.Under this scope of macro economics, we study how country's GDP is fixed.And similarly how to calculate the national income

                                 2.Theory of general price level and inflation
 This theory of macro economics tells about the change in general price level. And the effect of price change in economy and in other macro economic variables. Change in price level is calculated by Price Index.

                                3.theory of economic growth
 Theory of economic growth helps us to study the economic progrss of a nation.Hre, we study about increase in GDP and total production.What determines the economic growth of a nation is also studied here.

                               4.Macro-Theory of distribution
 It simply awares us about the distribution of income in rent, wage, interest, and profit as a whole in an economy.

                            5.Theory of economic fluctuation
 Economic fluctuation refers to business cycle.Here we study the process of change in economy.i.e. GDP., how and why such changes occurs? etc.

                              6.Theory of international trade
Theory of international trade facilitates us for the international trade. Which principle guides the trade between two countries and how the rate of exchange is determined is studied here.

                            7.Macro economic policy
 Here we study about the macro policy like monetary and fiscal policy of a country.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

First Semester BBA:Detailed courses


  The module aim is to develop students' understanding of the microeconomic concepts and theories in order to enhance their skill  in analyzing business opportunity, market and risks.

Detailed Course
1.Introduction to Microeconomics

2.Theory of Demand and Supply
a.Demand Function
       Meaning and types
       Movement along a demand curve and shift in demand curve
b.Supply  Function
       Meaning and types
       Movement along a supply curve and shift in supply curve
c.Concept of Elasticity of demand and suply
       Price elasticity of demand:degrees,measurement(percentage,arc and point methods), uese in                business decision making.
       Income elasticity of demand,:degrees measurement(percentage, arc and point method)
       Cross elasticity of demand:types measurement(percentage and arc method
       Price elasticity of supply:degrees,measurement(percentage,point and arc methods)

3.Theory of Consumer's behavior
      Cardinal vs ordinal utility
a.Indifference Curve analysis
      Meaning, assumption and properties
      Principle of MRS
      Consumer's equilibrium
      Price effect:derivation of PCC and demand curves for normal goods(substitute and complements)
      Income Effect:derivation of ICC and engel curve for normal goods and inferior goods
      Substitute effect: Hicksian Approach
      Decomposition of price effect into income and substitution effect: Hicksian approach
      Applications:tax and subsidy,income leisure choice of workers

4.Theory Of Production
      Concept of total,average and marginal product
a.Production function
     Meaning,types(short run and long run production function,Cobb-Douglas production function
     Law of variable proportion(explanation of three stage of production with reasons
b. Isoquants
     Meaning,assumptions and properties
     Principle of Marginal rate of technical substitution
     Optimal employment of two inputs(or least cost combination of two inputs)
c.Laws of return to scale
     Explanation with table and diagram(using IQ)

5.Cost And Revenue Curve
   Various concept of costs:opportunity cost,explicit and implicit costs,accounting and economic cost
a.Short run costs
    Behavior of short run total cost
    Behavior of average and marginal cost curves
    Relation between AC and MC,TVC and MC,AC AFC and AVC
b.Long run costs
     Derivation of U shaped and L shaped LAC with reasons
     Revenue under perfect competition
     Revenue under Imperfect Competition
     Relationship of Revenues(TR,AR, and MR) with price elasticity of demand

6.Theory  Of Product Pricing
a.Profit maximization and equilibrium of a form
    TR-TC approach
    MR-MC approach
b.Equilibrium price and output determination under perfect competition
     Meaning and characteristics
     Derivation of short run supply curve of a firm
     Short run equilibrium
     Long run equilibrium
c.Equilibrium price and output determination under monopoly
     Meaning and characteristics
     Short run equilibrium
     Long run equilibrium
     Meaning and condition of price discrimination
     Degree of price discrimination
     Equilibrium of firm under third degree discrimination
d.Equilibrium Price and output determination under monopolistic competition
     Meaning and characteristics
    Short run equilibrium
     Long run equilibrium
    Meaning and characteristics

7.Theory of factor pricing
   Concept of economic rent and its determination:modern theory of rent
   Marginal Productivity theory of wages
    Lonable funds theory of interest
   Liquidity preference theory of interest
   Dynamic Theory of profits
   Innovation theory of profits

  • Piano
  • Great Scott! Gadzooks!
  • On the eve of his execution
  • Stopping by Woods on a snowy Evening
  • Where the mind is without Fear
2.Short Stories
  • Yudhisthira's Wisdom
  • The Brave Little Parrot
  • If not higher
  • The Library Card
  • Marriage is a Private Affair
  • Who was to blame
  • Third Thoughts
  • Mr.Know-All
  • The telegram on the table
  • The great answer
  • A tale
  • Why go to university
  • Curbing the one eyed monster 
  • How sane are we?
  • The burden of skepticism
  • Keeping Errors at bay
  • We are breaking the silence about the death
  • The savage male
4.Technical Writing
  Chapter 18: Grammer, Punctuation,mechanics and spelling

                     Computer Systems and Information Technology Applicants
The module aim is to provide the basic knowledge regarding computer and its use in management system.
Detailed Course
1.   .  Introduction to Computer System

  •   Definition of computer with Architecture and its features
  •     History of computer
  •    Types of computer
  •   Classification of Micro Computers
2. Input Devices

  •  Definition of Input Devices
  • Types(mouse, keyboard, microphone, scanner, touch panel, MICR, OBR, and OMR)
  • Uses of Input Devices
3.Output Devices

  •  Definition of Output Devices
  • Types(softcopy, hardcopy), monitor(LCD, LED, Plasma), Printer(Impact and non-Impact)
  • Uses of output devices
4. Storage Devices

  • Primary storage Devices(RAM, ROM and Cache memory)
  • Secondary storage devices(hard disk, optical disk, Flash drive, Memory/SD card)
  • Uses of storage devices
  •  Memory Hierarchy
5. Central Processing Unit

  • Control Unit
  •  Arithmetic and logic unit
  • Register set
  • Functions of CPU
  • Introduction to Bus(Address, Data, Control)
6. Operating System

  • Definition
  • Features
  • Types
  • Support for networking
7. Computer Network

  • Introduction
  • Pros and cons of computer network
  • Types of computer network
  • Introduction to IP addresses(IPv4 and IPv6)
8. Application software

  • Introduction
  • Types
  • Uses
    Word Processor (Microsoft Office WORD 2007)

  • Paragraph Formatting
  • Font formatting
  • Managing layout of document
  • Editing document
  • Reviewing document(track changes, adding comments, Proofing)
  • Inserting picture, tables, shapes, hyperlink, header, footer, page number, watermark, footnote,             caption
  • Using text box, word art, equations, symbol and chart.
  • Table of content, Mail merge, Text wrapping and templates.
   Spread Sheet (Excel 2007)

  • Font formatting
  • Cell formatting
  • Alignment
  • Inserting picture, charts, shapes, header, footer, page number, symbol, page setup
  • Using formula, sorting table, using filters, reviewing spreadsheet
  • Freezing panes
  Presentation Tool (Power point 2007)

  • Formatting font, paragraph
  • Inserting new slides, picture, charts, shapes
  • Header, footer
  • Word art
  • Date and time
  • Slide number
  • Page setup
  • Slide orientation
  • Using different themes for slides
  • Animation: slide transition, custom animation
  • Slide show: reviewing slides
  Image processing software (Photoshop)

  • Working with images: size, mode, adjustment, crop, transform, Extract, distort
  • Working with layers, filter, guide, grid and ruller
  • Working with channel
9. Utility Software

  • Definition
  • Uses of utility software
  • Device manager
  • Disk cleaner
  • Disk scanner
  • Disk defragmenter
  • Virus scanner
  • Spyware scanner
  • Introduction and uses of Device driver
  • Language translator

10. Information Technology

  • Introduction
  • Importances of IT
  • Different hardwares and softwares used in IT
  • Application of IT in science and engineering, business and commerce, education, government,            medicine, entertainment.

 11.Financial Information system

  • Feature of FIS
  • Personal FIS
  • Organizational Financial Management
  • FIS and organizational decision making process
  • Personal management system
  • Application of FIS
  • Financial Calculator:ratio analysis(current ratio, inventory turnover ratio, days sales outstanding,        fixed assets turnover, total assets turnover, profit margin on sales, basic earning power ratio, return       on total sales, return on common equity, price ratio, price flow ratio), Future value, annuity,                  retirement planning, Ammortized loan, measuring riskiness of firm and risk comparison

12.Marketing Information System

  • Features
  • MKIs marketing decision making process
  • Application of MKIs
  • Simple MKIs: evaluating marketing campaign, marketing expence to revenue, customer aquisition cost, time to pay back customer acquisition cost, beak even analysis.

                                       Business Mathematics

The course introduces mathematical techniques through examples of their application to economic and business concept.It also tries to get students tackling problems in economics and business using these techniques as soon as possible so that they can see how useful they are.
Detailed Courses
1.Straight lines and functions
  •  Straight lines,Linear function
  • Application: demand, supply, cost, revenue, Elasticity of demand, supply and income
  • Budget and cost constraints.Methods of least square.

2.Simultaneous Equation
  • Simultaneous linear equation
  • Equilibrium and break even
  • Consumer and producer surplus
  • The IS-LM model

3.Quadratic Equation
  • Graphs of quadratic function
  • Quadratic equations
  • Applications to economics

4.Non-Linear functions,their graphs and applications
  • Cubic and other polynomial function
  • Exponential function
  • Logarithmic function
  • Hyperbolic function of the form a/(bx+c)
  • Bisection method, Newton-Raphson method for solving non linear equation.

5.Financial mathematics
  • Arithmetic and geometric sequence and series
  • Simple interest, compound interest and annual percentage rate
  • Depreciation
  • Net present value and internal rate of return
  • Annuities
  • Debt repayments,sinking funds
  • Relationship between interest rate and price of bonds

6.Differentiation and application
  • Slope of curve and differentiation
  • Rules of differentiation
  • Differentiation and marginal analysis
  • Optimization for function of one variable
  • Economic application of maximum and minimum poimts
  • Curvature and other applications
  • Elasticity and the derivatives.

                          Principle Of Management
The module aim is to impart the basic management knowledge and skill to the student so as to enhance their managerial capabilities and enable them to apply in the practical field.
Detailed course
1. Introduction
  • Management: concept, meaning, essence, levels and function
  • Types of manager
  • Managerial skills and roles
  • Becoming a manager: role of education, experience, and situation
  • Business environment and society-external environment
  • Corporate social responsibility, ethics, corporate governance and ethical standards.

2. Perspectives In Management
  • Early development
  • Classical perspective: scientific management, administrative management and bureaucracy
  • Behavioral Perspective: Hawthorne studies, human relation movement, and emergence of organizational behavior.
  • Quantitative perspective: management science and operations management.
  • Integrating perspectives:  system and contingency perspective
  • Emerging management issues and challenges.

  • Meaning
  • Levels of planning: Strategic, Tactical and operational
  • Steps of planning
  • Tools of planning
  • Planning premises
  • Pitfalls of planning
  • Improving planning
  • Decision making: meaning types and process
  • Decision making condition: certainty, risk, uncertainty
  • Practical exercises on decision making process

  • Meaning, process and principles of organizing
  • Organizational architecture:vertical differentiation-tall vs flat hierarchies, horizontal differentiation-functional structure, miltidivisional structure, geographic structure, matrix structure
  • Responsibility:establishing task and reporting relationship
  • Creating accountability
  • Authority:line authority and staff authority
  • Delegation of authority
  • Centralization
  • Decentralization and devolution
  • Emerging issues in organization design
  • Staffing:concept and importance

  • Meaning and qualities of leadership
  • Understanding individual difference and psychological cotract
  • Concept and types of groups
  • Leadership style:autocratic, democratic and participative
  • Concept of marginal ethics
  • Motivation: concept, importance and techniques
  • Communication: meaning, process and network
  • Concept of active listening
  • Types of communication
  • Barriers to communication

  • Meaning, purpose, process and types of control
  • Essentials of effective control system
  • Control tools and techniques
  • Quality:Concept and importance
  • Total Quality Management:concept, components, principle, tools and techniques
  • Emerging issues in quality management, Production and operation management
  • Supply chain management
  • Kaizen
  • Six sigma approach
  • The Japanese 5S practice
  • Technology management
  • Management information system and IT

7.Organizational Change and Development
  • Nature, forces, paradigm sift and areas( structure, technology, business process and behaviours)of organizational change
  • Resistance to change
  • Overcoming resistance to change 
  • Concept of organizational development
  • OD intervention

Sunday, June 7, 2015

On The Eve Of His Execution:Four Level

Literal Comprehension:
     The narrator is young but he is not happy.There is no sign of happiness.His life is full of pain.His corn field is covered with weeds. Even though he is alive,he feels as if he is dead.He is going to be executed.As a young man, he has several years more to live, but because of his execution,everything is destroyed.He is left ignored and is not cared. His story is known to all, but nobody has spoken on behalf of him.he feels that his life is over.He could do several more things but doesn't has the time.He has all the necessary requirement needed for life,but also he could not live longer.It is because,he is caught for his conspiracy.As a youth,he has several wishes but his life is getting a full stop. He is completely destroyed.

    The poem is trying to express the inner feeling of a man who is going to be is naturally written.It shows how a person thinks when he knows that his death is following him from the womb.It also tells that,a person who goes against the law are punished bitterly.It might be trying to tell us that every one in the earth has a desire to live longer.People are really upset and feel regret if they have to die in younger age.Execution and feeling of death kills the inner desire of a person.It might be trying to tell us that we must do good things during our prime youth.If we do bad things,we may have to regret in future when we are near to death.It tells us that realization of death is very painful for a person.Unknown death might not impact on our psyche, but known death leads us feel frustrated and tortured.

Critical Thinking:
     The poem "On The Eve Of His execution" is very beautifully composed poem.Its natural and skillful presentation has made it a marvelous piece in literature.It is true that everyone in the earth fear when they know about their death.They can't imagine anything creative because their mind is full of depression.Even though, the poem is marvelously written,I find some of the contradicting thoughts here.The narrator build a conspiracy aimed to kill the queen.It itself is a crime.Before preparing such conspiracy,he should be mentally prepared either to success the conspiracy or tackle the death.Why is he fearing with death now?If death was painful and fearful, why did he involved in crime? A person should have an ability to accept the truth.If he can't live longer then he can die with dignity.Why is he crying like a looser?

     After reading this poem I had known the death more closely.I knew that every one has love for himself,so do I have.If we commit a crime,its result is surely bitter.Sooner or later,a person will get the punishment.It reminded me the law of a nation,where a person got a death penalty for a rape case.the person was regretting a lot infront of the girl and king that he won't repeat it again.But nobody heard him and gave the death penalty.The person was only 23 years old.There are two roads in life:good and bad.If we choose to walk in right path,we are sure to get success.But if we follow the wrong path we will punished obviously.This poem has inspired me to follow the path of truth so that I shouldn't have to regret before my death.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Telegram On The Table:Four Level

Literal Comprehension:
             There is telegram on lying on the table.It contains a tragic news but Krishna has not given any attention over it.One of his friend has provided sympathy to him about the bad news but also he is not affected.He is doing his work normally as always.He guides the tourist about Nepalese art and culture.He has an strong desire of going USA with the tourist girl.He was so much engaged in city life and pleasure that he didn't have the time to remember his village.Butt today,the telegram on the table attracts him.He couldn't stop himself.He remained asleep.And finally,he read the telegram and started crying bitterly in which the death of his beloved wife was mentioned.

            The story is trying to tell us that in this materialistic and selfish world,people thinks about themselves only.They don't have time for others.Even for the wife.It also clarifies that when people migrate from village to the city,they are so much lost in city life that they never miss their village.Similarly, it also hints hat the desire of prosperity within a person goes on increasing.A simple village boy firstly aims for city life.And when he achieves the city life,he further desires for foreign countries.The story reflects that when a person become prosperous,he forgets his bad and painful days.He desires for better future,but is never ready to think and remember his worst past.

Critical Thinking:
         The story is marvelously written.The true context of Nepalese society and youth is reflected in the story.Usually,every young and adult boy in our society dreams for going abroad  and settling there.They only think about money and pleasure.Besides these pros of the story, it has not been able to solve some queries like does it is really practicable? Is it possible for a person to forget his beloved wife so easily?He has got the notice of his wife's death but hasn't he got the illness or problem told before? Why the people informed only after her death?He could have informed before she died?At the end, f he was so emotional than why could he stayed calmly for weeks?

      The story taught me that I shouldn't be over aiming.Presently,I am far from my village and my parents.This story has encouraged me to be in touch with my parents.This story reminded me one incident.One boy near my village was over excited to go abroad.But his parents always used to deny, because he was the only son. In front of his stubborn, the parents couldn't do anything.He married a girl and left her with his parents and flew to Dubai. He didn't had contact with his family for 3 years.After 3 years,the parents got a notice of his death in car crash.This was an very bitter situation for his wife and family.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Indifference Curve Analysis

Indifference curve refers to the curve representing all the combination(market basket) of goods which gives same level of satisfaction to the consumer, so that the consumer is indifferent to choose a particular combination . All combination of goods in IC are equally desirable or preferable to consumer.

2.Ordinal approach of measurement
3.Diminishing marginal rate of substitution.
4.Total satisfaction depends on quantity consumed.
    If A is greater than B, then B is not greater than A.
   If A is greater than B;B is greater than C, then A is greater than C.

Derivation of Indifference Curve
   Let us assume, there are two goods in the market:good x and good y.The consumer can consume        different units of x and y goods, but the final/total satisfaction derived by all combination are equal.    When consumer increases the consumption of 1 good, he should automatically decrease the                consumption of another good.

In above figure, goods x and good y is measured along x and y axis respectively. IC is the indifference curve convex towards the origin.The curve follows the law of diminishing MRS. All combination gives the same level of satisfaction to the consumer.

Properties of Indifference Curve
     1.Indifference Curve slopes downward.
IC slopes downward due to non-satiety nature of the consumer.i.e the consumer prefers more goods to less of it.To maintain the same level of satisfaction if the consumer gains some utility from X, he must loose some utility from Y.i.e if the consumer increases the units of X, he must sacrifice some units of Y.It means there is inverse relation between X and Y.

    2.Indifference Curve is convex towards the origin.
IC is convex towards the origin due to the law of diminishing MRS.If IC is concave, its MRS will be increasing and if IC is straight line,MRS will be constant which is not possible.So IC is always convex towards the origin representing the diminishing MRS.

3.Higher Indifference curve gives the higher level of satisfaction
A higher Ic always gives the higher level of satisfaction to the consumer.In the figure below,IC2 gives the maximum satisfaction in compared ti Ic0 and IC1. Here the consumer can consume more quantity of both X and Y goods.
4.Indifference curve cannot intersect each other.
Two Ics can never intersect each other, because as per the law,higher Ic gives the higher level of satisfaction.And lower gives the less.If two of them intersect each other,it means both gives the same level of satisfaction,which is impossible.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Micro Economics:Definition and Types

Economics is classified in two branches:micro and macro economics.Micro economics is derived from the Greek word 'mikro' which means small.Thus,micro economics is the study of economic action and behave of individual units.It explains the small component of national economy and explains their inter-relationship as well as equilibrium situation. It tells us how the individuals and firms make themselves as well off as possible in the world of scarcity and consequences of those individual decisions for market and entire economy.
Micro economics solve the basic economic issues like what to produce?,how to produce?,ans for whom to produce?.

Types of Micro economics
1.Simple Micro Static
2.Comparative Micro Static
3.Micro Dynamics
                                              1.Simple Micro Static
Under this system,all the factors included in the model do not want to change their status but remains constant.And here the point of equilibrium is determined.And is always constant.It is the analysis of micro economics equilibrium at a point of time.

Above figure assumes both demand and supply is constant.An economy is always  at price P and demand and supply are DD and SS.And hence it always gains the equilibrium at point E.

2.Comparative Micro Economics
This economics fall between simple statics and micro dynamics.It makes ta comparison between the two equilibrium.It is like two steel pictures taken randomly.And the comparison made between those two pictures.Under this,all the factors in an economy may change. Equilibrium situation may change.One equilibrium breaks down and another forms.And finally the comparison between those two equilibrium points is done.But it doesn't explains why the first equilibrium is broken and new is formed.It only compares.

In an economy demand may increase from DD to D'D',which leads the change in equilibrium from E1 to E2.Here the comparison between E1 and E2 is explained.

3.Micro Dynamics
As like the comparative micro static,it compares the two equilibrium:old and new,but it also fully explains about the process of breaking of old equilibrium point and formation of new one.In another way,micro dynamics explains the lagged relationship among micro variables.

Here the equilibrium of demand and supply is changed due to the bargaining and convincing relation of buyer and seller for quantity and price of the product.