Sunday, June 7, 2015

On The Eve Of His Execution:Four Level

Literal Comprehension:
     The narrator is young but he is not happy.There is no sign of happiness.His life is full of pain.His corn field is covered with weeds. Even though he is alive,he feels as if he is dead.He is going to be executed.As a young man, he has several years more to live, but because of his execution,everything is destroyed.He is left ignored and is not cared. His story is known to all, but nobody has spoken on behalf of him.he feels that his life is over.He could do several more things but doesn't has the time.He has all the necessary requirement needed for life,but also he could not live longer.It is because,he is caught for his conspiracy.As a youth,he has several wishes but his life is getting a full stop. He is completely destroyed.

    The poem is trying to express the inner feeling of a man who is going to be is naturally written.It shows how a person thinks when he knows that his death is following him from the womb.It also tells that,a person who goes against the law are punished bitterly.It might be trying to tell us that every one in the earth has a desire to live longer.People are really upset and feel regret if they have to die in younger age.Execution and feeling of death kills the inner desire of a person.It might be trying to tell us that we must do good things during our prime youth.If we do bad things,we may have to regret in future when we are near to death.It tells us that realization of death is very painful for a person.Unknown death might not impact on our psyche, but known death leads us feel frustrated and tortured.

Critical Thinking:
     The poem "On The Eve Of His execution" is very beautifully composed poem.Its natural and skillful presentation has made it a marvelous piece in literature.It is true that everyone in the earth fear when they know about their death.They can't imagine anything creative because their mind is full of depression.Even though, the poem is marvelously written,I find some of the contradicting thoughts here.The narrator build a conspiracy aimed to kill the queen.It itself is a crime.Before preparing such conspiracy,he should be mentally prepared either to success the conspiracy or tackle the death.Why is he fearing with death now?If death was painful and fearful, why did he involved in crime? A person should have an ability to accept the truth.If he can't live longer then he can die with dignity.Why is he crying like a looser?

     After reading this poem I had known the death more closely.I knew that every one has love for himself,so do I have.If we commit a crime,its result is surely bitter.Sooner or later,a person will get the punishment.It reminded me the law of a nation,where a person got a death penalty for a rape case.the person was regretting a lot infront of the girl and king that he won't repeat it again.But nobody heard him and gave the death penalty.The person was only 23 years old.There are two roads in life:good and bad.If we choose to walk in right path,we are sure to get success.But if we follow the wrong path we will punished obviously.This poem has inspired me to follow the path of truth so that I shouldn't have to regret before my death.