Saturday, June 13, 2015

First Semester BBA:Detailed courses


  The module aim is to develop students' understanding of the microeconomic concepts and theories in order to enhance their skill  in analyzing business opportunity, market and risks.

Detailed Course
1.Introduction to Microeconomics

2.Theory of Demand and Supply
a.Demand Function
       Meaning and types
       Movement along a demand curve and shift in demand curve
b.Supply  Function
       Meaning and types
       Movement along a supply curve and shift in supply curve
c.Concept of Elasticity of demand and suply
       Price elasticity of demand:degrees,measurement(percentage,arc and point methods), uese in                business decision making.
       Income elasticity of demand,:degrees measurement(percentage, arc and point method)
       Cross elasticity of demand:types measurement(percentage and arc method
       Price elasticity of supply:degrees,measurement(percentage,point and arc methods)

3.Theory of Consumer's behavior
      Cardinal vs ordinal utility
a.Indifference Curve analysis
      Meaning, assumption and properties
      Principle of MRS
      Consumer's equilibrium
      Price effect:derivation of PCC and demand curves for normal goods(substitute and complements)
      Income Effect:derivation of ICC and engel curve for normal goods and inferior goods
      Substitute effect: Hicksian Approach
      Decomposition of price effect into income and substitution effect: Hicksian approach
      Applications:tax and subsidy,income leisure choice of workers

4.Theory Of Production
      Concept of total,average and marginal product
a.Production function
     Meaning,types(short run and long run production function,Cobb-Douglas production function
     Law of variable proportion(explanation of three stage of production with reasons
b. Isoquants
     Meaning,assumptions and properties
     Principle of Marginal rate of technical substitution
     Optimal employment of two inputs(or least cost combination of two inputs)
c.Laws of return to scale
     Explanation with table and diagram(using IQ)

5.Cost And Revenue Curve
   Various concept of costs:opportunity cost,explicit and implicit costs,accounting and economic cost
a.Short run costs
    Behavior of short run total cost
    Behavior of average and marginal cost curves
    Relation between AC and MC,TVC and MC,AC AFC and AVC
b.Long run costs
     Derivation of U shaped and L shaped LAC with reasons
     Revenue under perfect competition
     Revenue under Imperfect Competition
     Relationship of Revenues(TR,AR, and MR) with price elasticity of demand

6.Theory  Of Product Pricing
a.Profit maximization and equilibrium of a form
    TR-TC approach
    MR-MC approach
b.Equilibrium price and output determination under perfect competition
     Meaning and characteristics
     Derivation of short run supply curve of a firm
     Short run equilibrium
     Long run equilibrium
c.Equilibrium price and output determination under monopoly
     Meaning and characteristics
     Short run equilibrium
     Long run equilibrium
     Meaning and condition of price discrimination
     Degree of price discrimination
     Equilibrium of firm under third degree discrimination
d.Equilibrium Price and output determination under monopolistic competition
     Meaning and characteristics
    Short run equilibrium
     Long run equilibrium
    Meaning and characteristics

7.Theory of factor pricing
   Concept of economic rent and its determination:modern theory of rent
   Marginal Productivity theory of wages
    Lonable funds theory of interest
   Liquidity preference theory of interest
   Dynamic Theory of profits
   Innovation theory of profits

  • Piano
  • Great Scott! Gadzooks!
  • On the eve of his execution
  • Stopping by Woods on a snowy Evening
  • Where the mind is without Fear
2.Short Stories
  • Yudhisthira's Wisdom
  • The Brave Little Parrot
  • If not higher
  • The Library Card
  • Marriage is a Private Affair
  • Who was to blame
  • Third Thoughts
  • Mr.Know-All
  • The telegram on the table
  • The great answer
  • A tale
  • Why go to university
  • Curbing the one eyed monster 
  • How sane are we?
  • The burden of skepticism
  • Keeping Errors at bay
  • We are breaking the silence about the death
  • The savage male
4.Technical Writing
  Chapter 18: Grammer, Punctuation,mechanics and spelling

                     Computer Systems and Information Technology Applicants
The module aim is to provide the basic knowledge regarding computer and its use in management system.
Detailed Course
1.   .  Introduction to Computer System

  •   Definition of computer with Architecture and its features
  •     History of computer
  •    Types of computer
  •   Classification of Micro Computers
2. Input Devices

  •  Definition of Input Devices
  • Types(mouse, keyboard, microphone, scanner, touch panel, MICR, OBR, and OMR)
  • Uses of Input Devices
3.Output Devices

  •  Definition of Output Devices
  • Types(softcopy, hardcopy), monitor(LCD, LED, Plasma), Printer(Impact and non-Impact)
  • Uses of output devices
4. Storage Devices

  • Primary storage Devices(RAM, ROM and Cache memory)
  • Secondary storage devices(hard disk, optical disk, Flash drive, Memory/SD card)
  • Uses of storage devices
  •  Memory Hierarchy
5. Central Processing Unit

  • Control Unit
  •  Arithmetic and logic unit
  • Register set
  • Functions of CPU
  • Introduction to Bus(Address, Data, Control)
6. Operating System

  • Definition
  • Features
  • Types
  • Support for networking
7. Computer Network

  • Introduction
  • Pros and cons of computer network
  • Types of computer network
  • Introduction to IP addresses(IPv4 and IPv6)
8. Application software

  • Introduction
  • Types
  • Uses
    Word Processor (Microsoft Office WORD 2007)

  • Paragraph Formatting
  • Font formatting
  • Managing layout of document
  • Editing document
  • Reviewing document(track changes, adding comments, Proofing)
  • Inserting picture, tables, shapes, hyperlink, header, footer, page number, watermark, footnote,             caption
  • Using text box, word art, equations, symbol and chart.
  • Table of content, Mail merge, Text wrapping and templates.
   Spread Sheet (Excel 2007)

  • Font formatting
  • Cell formatting
  • Alignment
  • Inserting picture, charts, shapes, header, footer, page number, symbol, page setup
  • Using formula, sorting table, using filters, reviewing spreadsheet
  • Freezing panes
  Presentation Tool (Power point 2007)

  • Formatting font, paragraph
  • Inserting new slides, picture, charts, shapes
  • Header, footer
  • Word art
  • Date and time
  • Slide number
  • Page setup
  • Slide orientation
  • Using different themes for slides
  • Animation: slide transition, custom animation
  • Slide show: reviewing slides
  Image processing software (Photoshop)

  • Working with images: size, mode, adjustment, crop, transform, Extract, distort
  • Working with layers, filter, guide, grid and ruller
  • Working with channel
9. Utility Software

  • Definition
  • Uses of utility software
  • Device manager
  • Disk cleaner
  • Disk scanner
  • Disk defragmenter
  • Virus scanner
  • Spyware scanner
  • Introduction and uses of Device driver
  • Language translator

10. Information Technology

  • Introduction
  • Importances of IT
  • Different hardwares and softwares used in IT
  • Application of IT in science and engineering, business and commerce, education, government,            medicine, entertainment.

 11.Financial Information system

  • Feature of FIS
  • Personal FIS
  • Organizational Financial Management
  • FIS and organizational decision making process
  • Personal management system
  • Application of FIS
  • Financial Calculator:ratio analysis(current ratio, inventory turnover ratio, days sales outstanding,        fixed assets turnover, total assets turnover, profit margin on sales, basic earning power ratio, return       on total sales, return on common equity, price ratio, price flow ratio), Future value, annuity,                  retirement planning, Ammortized loan, measuring riskiness of firm and risk comparison

12.Marketing Information System

  • Features
  • MKIs marketing decision making process
  • Application of MKIs
  • Simple MKIs: evaluating marketing campaign, marketing expence to revenue, customer aquisition cost, time to pay back customer acquisition cost, beak even analysis.

                                       Business Mathematics

The course introduces mathematical techniques through examples of their application to economic and business concept.It also tries to get students tackling problems in economics and business using these techniques as soon as possible so that they can see how useful they are.
Detailed Courses
1.Straight lines and functions
  •  Straight lines,Linear function
  • Application: demand, supply, cost, revenue, Elasticity of demand, supply and income
  • Budget and cost constraints.Methods of least square.

2.Simultaneous Equation
  • Simultaneous linear equation
  • Equilibrium and break even
  • Consumer and producer surplus
  • The IS-LM model

3.Quadratic Equation
  • Graphs of quadratic function
  • Quadratic equations
  • Applications to economics

4.Non-Linear functions,their graphs and applications
  • Cubic and other polynomial function
  • Exponential function
  • Logarithmic function
  • Hyperbolic function of the form a/(bx+c)
  • Bisection method, Newton-Raphson method for solving non linear equation.

5.Financial mathematics
  • Arithmetic and geometric sequence and series
  • Simple interest, compound interest and annual percentage rate
  • Depreciation
  • Net present value and internal rate of return
  • Annuities
  • Debt repayments,sinking funds
  • Relationship between interest rate and price of bonds

6.Differentiation and application
  • Slope of curve and differentiation
  • Rules of differentiation
  • Differentiation and marginal analysis
  • Optimization for function of one variable
  • Economic application of maximum and minimum poimts
  • Curvature and other applications
  • Elasticity and the derivatives.

                          Principle Of Management
The module aim is to impart the basic management knowledge and skill to the student so as to enhance their managerial capabilities and enable them to apply in the practical field.
Detailed course
1. Introduction
  • Management: concept, meaning, essence, levels and function
  • Types of manager
  • Managerial skills and roles
  • Becoming a manager: role of education, experience, and situation
  • Business environment and society-external environment
  • Corporate social responsibility, ethics, corporate governance and ethical standards.

2. Perspectives In Management
  • Early development
  • Classical perspective: scientific management, administrative management and bureaucracy
  • Behavioral Perspective: Hawthorne studies, human relation movement, and emergence of organizational behavior.
  • Quantitative perspective: management science and operations management.
  • Integrating perspectives:  system and contingency perspective
  • Emerging management issues and challenges.

  • Meaning
  • Levels of planning: Strategic, Tactical and operational
  • Steps of planning
  • Tools of planning
  • Planning premises
  • Pitfalls of planning
  • Improving planning
  • Decision making: meaning types and process
  • Decision making condition: certainty, risk, uncertainty
  • Practical exercises on decision making process

  • Meaning, process and principles of organizing
  • Organizational architecture:vertical differentiation-tall vs flat hierarchies, horizontal differentiation-functional structure, miltidivisional structure, geographic structure, matrix structure
  • Responsibility:establishing task and reporting relationship
  • Creating accountability
  • Authority:line authority and staff authority
  • Delegation of authority
  • Centralization
  • Decentralization and devolution
  • Emerging issues in organization design
  • Staffing:concept and importance

  • Meaning and qualities of leadership
  • Understanding individual difference and psychological cotract
  • Concept and types of groups
  • Leadership style:autocratic, democratic and participative
  • Concept of marginal ethics
  • Motivation: concept, importance and techniques
  • Communication: meaning, process and network
  • Concept of active listening
  • Types of communication
  • Barriers to communication

  • Meaning, purpose, process and types of control
  • Essentials of effective control system
  • Control tools and techniques
  • Quality:Concept and importance
  • Total Quality Management:concept, components, principle, tools and techniques
  • Emerging issues in quality management, Production and operation management
  • Supply chain management
  • Kaizen
  • Six sigma approach
  • The Japanese 5S practice
  • Technology management
  • Management information system and IT

7.Organizational Change and Development
  • Nature, forces, paradigm sift and areas( structure, technology, business process and behaviours)of organizational change
  • Resistance to change
  • Overcoming resistance to change 
  • Concept of organizational development
  • OD intervention

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